Power Food (2008-2009)

This project accentuates the idea of “alicamento” (food and medicine) and so-called energy-giving food, delving into the magical powers of certain culinary recipes, the practices of natural medicine and the properties of drugs and home remedies used in the different gastronomic cultures.
From the current products given to us by the world of sport to the recipes based on reptiles and mushrooms of the ancient Chinese civilization, food has always sought for those unthinkable potions and miraculous substances which alter the perception and increase the vigor of their recipients. Power Food explores those hypertrophied products and shows their significance and impact in the order of factual powers, in the confines of the economy, publicity and the beliefs and superstitions which underlie them.
The project is completed by the publication of the “POWER FOOD LEXIcom”, an archive or lexicographical inventory that proposes a reflection on the infinite relationships between food, culture, energy and power.
The introduction of the book, or lexicon itself, is a collection of keywords or semantic fields related to 50 subjects:
Abstinence, Additives, Aphrodisiacs, Agro-Culture, Alicaments, Risky  Foods, Sacred foods, House wife / Kitchen , Beverages, Bestiary, Biopower, Cacao, Cannibalism, Shamanism, Science and the kitchen, Diet, Doping, Energy and Speed, Esoteric, Pharmacopeia, FoodCultura, Warriors, Hunger, Egg, Import / Export, The Potatoes and the others, Milk and Blood , Logo, Spring/Source, Menu, Market, Popular mythology, Naturalia, Nutricosmecéuticos, Oxygen, Power and Food / Food & Power, Popeye, Products, Knowledge and Taste, Salt, Health and Medicine, Saint Stomach, Food Safety, Taboo, GM Foods, Disorders, Last Supper, Umami, Urban and Vegetarianism.

POWER FOOD LEXIcom. Selection of pages.



  • Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporaneo (ARTIUM) Alava, June 4th-November 2nd, 2008
  • Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma Palma de Mallorca, February 20th-May24th, 2009

Realization: FoodCultura/Miralda

Collaborators: Rosi Morales, Corali Mercader, Sergio Lopez, EGM

Production: Artium, Es Baluard and FoodCultura

Publishing: Power Food LEXIcom / Edicions del Eixample

Photos: Archivo FoodCultura

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