Fotografía: Guillaume Poussou

La Formigonera del PobleNew. Ballad for a stomach was created within the context of Llum BCN 2022 which will celebrate its eleventh edition in the Poblenou neighborhood of Barcelona from February 4’th to 6’th. This Light Arts Festival has invited the artist Miralda, in collaboration with the FoodCultura Foundation, to carry out a mobile light action that will parade through the neighborhood.
The objective of this performative work was to generate a reflection on the metamorphosis of the neighborhood through the iconic figure of the cement mixer. The parade, with a concrete mixer truck transformed into a large symbolic stomach, represents transformation, the comings and goings, and the evolution of a new urban space. The devouring Stomach of Poblenou, in continuous digestion,  deconstructs and builds a new skyline in the city, metabolizing the past, the present, and the transforming the lives of the neighbors.
La Formigonera del PobleNew also wanted to pay homage to the origins of the popular Candlemas Festival as a celebration of the return of light after the dark of winter with offerings in connection with the fertility of the earth and the life cycle of crops.


The poetic parade, Ballad for a Stomach, comprised of the stomach cement truck, an entourage of cement mixers, motorcycles, illuminated characters, and other light effects took place on Friday evening February 4’th, 2022 starting at 19:30 in an empty lot on Calle Pere IV 115 and lasted about an hour and a half. The itinerary was Pere IV, Espronceda, Marroc/Tánger, Roc Boronat and Pujades, and ended at the Fundación FoodCultura on Calle Joan d’Austria 88 with celebratory actions.
A tasting-offering was given to the public that consisted of a bag of Indian noodles to which a portion of broth was added. Afterward, they were invited to offer part of the food to the cement mixes and with the condensed of these offerings, at the end of the project, a work/relic was made that is currently part of the FoodCultura Archive.
The stomach-concrete mixer along with light and sound installations was exhibited in the lot on Calle Pere IV on the 5’th and 6’th of February. A small construction shed will house samples of Miralda’s elaboration of this project (sketches, drawings, videos, etc.).


“La Rumba del PobleNew”, one of the main songs that accompanied the Formigonera, has its own video clip.


With the collaboration of Sorigué and Fundació Sorigué.


La Formigonera del PobleNew_

Concept and direction

Lali Canosa
Artistic and technical direction

Rosi Morales

Nil Mujal
Musical composition

Telenoika. Daniel Miracle / Eneritz Tejada/ Arnau Sala,
amb Carles Andreu
Light solution

Viviane Calvitti
Choreography, Stage Management and Costumes


Artistic realization
Lali Canosa
Oriol Álvarez
Laia Azorin

Technical production
Guillem Sánchez-Blanco
Alain García


Music recording
Nil Mujal i Ramon Franch

Massinissa Ait
Alex Badia
Alberto Pérez
Miguel Gómez
Ramon Franch
Rob Diley
Nil Mujal


Daniel Miracle
Anaïs Bartomeu

Jaume Camps
Raúl M. Candela
Pamela Gallo
Àlex Majcan
Álvaro Muñoz Ledo
Josep Sos
Joan Vicens


Research and Production Assistant
Marcela Rosemberg

Montse Guillén

Alen Coll


Harley Davidson

Andrés Sánchez Orellana
Olga Martínez
Loli Gañán

Cement mixer

Juan Carlos Muria Gil

Mini cement mixers / Incense Team

Laia Azorin
Francisco Baglietto
Pau Balaguer
Llum Baraldés Miquel
Alessandra Boccia
Carolina Feliú
Max Feriche
Alain García
Max Grosse Majench
Mònica Muntaner
Raúl Vargas
Pablo Vega

Stage Management Assistants
Karen Aguilera
Claudia Carrasco

Joan Carbó
Van Van Food. Max Porta / Vir Pallerés


Montse Guillén
Rosi Morales
Joan Carbó
Alen Coll
Desirée Martínez
Mariona Castellví

amb la col·laboració de:
Carles Poy
Enrique Caradonna
Javier Morelope
James Balder


Production and editing
Coralí Mercader

Camera team
Teresa Burgos
Jordi Orobitg
Coralí Mercader

Still image
Consuelo Bautista
Guillaume Poussou
Cristina Tomàs
Andreina Mujica
Coralí Mercader


Maria Güell
Gemma Avinyó
Cristina Rivas
Oriol Pastor
José Luis de Vicente
Gloria Morera
Max Porta
José Valiña


Veïns i Veïnes del Poblenou
Poblenou Urban District
Van Van Food
María Rosa Agustí
Alexis Aldeguer
Teresa Alférez
Gema Arquero
Pau Baquero
Raquel Chozas
Carlota Coloma
Esmeralda Elizalde
Anna García
Eddie A. González
Xefo Guasch
David Güell
Raquel Ibarz
Sönke Lund
Jonathan Maldonado
Miquel Martínez
Enric Martorell
Josep Montull Oliver
María Rosa Paredes
Nevenka Pavic
Abel Peiro
Bruno Peláez
Carles Peña
Olaf Peña
Rosa Pera
Manuela Rosero
Jovana Samardzic
Esteve Sánchez
Aurora Segura
Àlex Susanna
Marc Terrats
James Trimmer
Aina Tur
Ana Vidal

Copyright Miralda-FoodCultura 2022