Vajilla Imaginaria (2003)

Imaginary Crockery is a project born in Barcelona in which more than two hundred people have generously collaborated.

Artists, designers, cineasts, cooks, architects, neighbours and the intemerata were asked to make an intervention of their own choice of format and content on a white plate. The plates were auctioned for the Food Cultura Museum project.

The extraordinary imaginary crockery reveals the most surprising registry of experiences its authors have lived in their imagination, the keys to their memories of aromas and flavours. It proclaims criticisms and accusations. It expresses fantasies and longings.

Moritz made possible the publication of a catalogue of this valuable and productive assembly.


Auction/Exhibition. Food Cultura Museum, Casa de la Prensa
Barcelona, July 11-17 , 2003
Realization: FC/Ignasi Duarte y los autores de los platos; Antoni Abad, Ignasi Aballí, Carlos Abellán, Josep Abril, Ferran Adriá,  AdriáNómada, Sergi Aguilar, Xavier Agulló, Pep Agut, Ailanto, Alma Rosa, Vicenç Altaió, Chema Alvargonzález, Alfonso Alzamorra, Fernando Amat, Frederic Amat, Nuria Amat, Jaume Amigó,  Robert Antoni, Marcel.lí Antúnez, Ignacio Añoveros, Miquel Aparaci, Rafael Argullol, Elisa Arimany, Xano Armenter, Alfredo Arribas, Aurelia Artigas, Francesc Arumí, Jordi Asin, Gustavo Barba, Jordi Benito, Raimon Bergós, Carlos Betancourt,Bigas Luna, Jordi Bigues, Conxita Boncompte, Maria Luisa Borrás, Pol Borrás, Oriol Cava, Sergi Caballero, Antoni Campins, Yamandu Canosa, Juli Capella, Albert Casañé, Robert Chambers, Joan Clos, Mireia Clotet, Isabel Coixet, Alen Coll, Jordi Colomer, Agustí Comabella, Delfuego,  Joan Descarga, Ignasi Duarte, Lluis Duran, Pep Duran, Pere Duran, Cora Egger, Begoña Egurbide, Emiliana Design Studio, Francisco Epelde, Manel Esclusa, Leonardo Escoda, Antoni Escribá,  Christian Escribá, Roberto Escudero, Rosa Esteva, Evru, Sol Fábrega, Matilde Fabregat, Jean-Luc Figueras, Ricardo Flores, Josep Font, Associació de Veins i Veines del barri Font de la Guatlla-Magoria, Food Cultura Museum, Axel Fortuny, Javier Franch, La Fura dels Baus, Carles Gaig, Beth Galí, Agusti Garcia, Conxita Garcia, Joan Gardy Artigas, Lynne Golob Gelfman, Maria Gorgues, Francisco de Goya, Joan Guals, Xefo Guasch, Romà Gubern, Montse Guillén, Francesc Guitart, Martí Guixé, Paco Guzman, Carles Hac Moc, Luki Huber, Ricardo Iglesias, Laura Iniesta, Isao, Ben Jakober, Jaume Josa, Andreas M.Kaufmann, Beat Keller, Mathias Krahn Joan Laporta, Daniel Lemmi, Juan Lezcano, Antoni Llena, Carme Llevadot, Robert Llimós, Francesca Llopis, Pasqual Maragall, Uli Marchsteiner, David Marès Ylla, Javier Mariscal, Mia Martí, Josep Maria Martí Font, Josep Maria Martin, Manolo Martin, F.Xavier Medina, Medina Campeny, Leila Méndez, Charles Metras, Anna Miquel, Ana Mir, Miralda, Domènec Miralles, Antoni Miró, Kiku Mistu, Quim Monzó, Emiliano Mora, Flavio Morais, Josep Munné, Muntadas, Takashi Nakayama, Nazario, Pere Noguera, Victor Nubla, Xavier Olivé, Jaume Ollé, Charo Oquet, Emili Padrós, Ada Parellada, Ramón Parellada, Jordi Parramón, José Luis Pascual, Perico Pastor, Carlos Pazos, Karin Peine, Conxita Peñalver, Bar Pinotxo, Jaume Plensa, Pere Portabella, Eva Prats, Fermí Puig, Josep Puig, Pablo Quert, Desirée Ragetle, Tere Recarens, Rosa Regás,  Teresa Reyes, Pau Riba, David Ribas, Angela Ribé, Alicia Rios, Ion de la Riba, Quico Rivas, Joan Roca, Gisela Rodriguez, Octavi Rofes Barón, Agustin Roqué, Maria Àngels Roqué, Benet Rossell, Enric Rovira, Gino Rubert, Xavier Rubert de Ventós, Francesc Ruestes, Isabel Ruiz, Enric Ruiz-Geli, Sabala, Zoe Sala, Amèrica Sánchez, Carlos Santos, Chelo Sastre, Salvador Saura, Jaume Sisa, Juli Soler, maRc taeGeR, Benedetta Tagliabue, Mette Tommerup, Ramon Torrente, Francesc Torres, Gabriel Torres, César Trasobares, Mattthew Tree, Tres, Oriol Tresserra, Fundació Triptolemos, Carolina Tubau, Josep Uclés, Chu Uroz, Jaume Vallcorba, Isabel Valverde, Freddy Van Den Borren, Vasava, Josep Veciana, Antoni Verdaguer, Rosa Vergés, Luis Vidal, Jorge Wagensberg, Esther Xagay, Yannick Vu, David Ymbermon, Hélène Yousse, Johannes Zacheri, Carolina Zendrera
Collaborators: Fundación Antoni Tapies, CCCB, Grupo Tragaluz, Videolab, Videografia, John Zvereff, Rosa Pera, Garcia de Pou, Escribá, Santi Llabrés, Carles Abellán, Mahala Alzamora and Equip Tatjer
Production: Ajuntamen de Barcelona, Centre Gestor del Parc de Montjuic
Photos: Pere Ferrer y Rocco Ricci

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